Monday, August 17, 2009


for Tante Paula, who could not linger

The night has taken you
under her wing.
I wish I could hope
all those stars
were candles
lit by heaven
for your beautiful soul
even sisters.

But it’s cold
and I fear
it is just


poefusion said...

It's what isn't said here that makes this poem so powerful. I'm sorry for your loss. Very nice tribute and a great bouquet to your friend.

Rick said...

What Michelle says is so true. And in my heart I do believe the stars are candles lit for her and sisters, too. To each soul a star. Be well and heal, Vesper.

Catherine Vibert said...

Oh Vesper, what sadness you have captured here. A friend you have lost? I am so very sorry. The photo is just amazing in it's variations on blue. If stars could be sisters, that would be something, in some kind of falling into the everything that is nothing, perhaps somehow we become stars, as stars have made us... sublime.

Karen said...

Even in your loss and fear, you know that the night has taken her under wing, a beautiful image of comfort. I have walked in this night and questioned, questioned. Time has helped me settle into a kind of peace. I hope the same for you and your family.

joaquin carvel said...

i agree with michelle - the unspoken (and the unflinching honesty in what is) are searing. wow.

the walking man said...

Quiet your fears. There is so much more than nothingness. Be still and keep that which is gone, alive in your heart and thought. Peace friend.

Vesper said...

Michelle, thank you for your kind thoughts. Your visit and your words are much appreciated.

Oh, Rick, you think so?... Thank you, my friend.

Cat, a friend, yes, like another mother… The blue of lavender seems somehow soothing. One could sleep forever in such a field, under the humming of bumblebees and the eyes of stars… Thank you, dear Cat.

Karen, “a kind of peace”, yes, that’s all that we can hope for… a numbness in the night… I welcome your words, dear friend. Thank you.

Joaquin, I’ve seen you at Karen’s and Kaye’s… Thank you for stopping by and for your kind words.

Mark, I needed to be told this… Thank you, my friend.

Anonymous said...

a very well-written emotive piece!

thank you for a great read! :)

Rick said...

Yes, Vesper, I truly think so.

Charles Gramlich said...

I guess that nothingness is always the fear. But in a universe this large, I'm coming down on the other side.

Anonymous said...

I'm sorry for this loss.

laughingwolf said...

so sorry for your loss, v... this is a very apt tribute to your aunt....

[word veirf: bignapp]

Vesper said...

Thank you, Will.

Then I will have to, too, Rick...

Something to think about, Charles. Thank you.

Thank you, Jason.

LW, thank you. Yes, the big sleep...

Aniket Thakkar said...

So very sorry for your loss. Cyber Hugs.

Geraldine said...

Dear Vesper, This is so beautifully written and presented. I am sorry for your loss.

We lost our dear Mitzi a week ago, I am still numb with missing her.

Hugs friend, G

L.A. Mitchell said...

Vesper...what a gift you have capturing what we've all felt at one time or another. I'm so very sorry for your loss.

Mariana Soffer said...

Fear always fear, I think it is one of the factor that limits our life the most and prevents us from living our life at full blown with its ups and downs included in it. The worst you can do it limit your life private yourself without even chosing consciously of something you could enjoy, and once you start restraining yourself you tend to start doing it with other areas, till you cover them all, and you become like a plant and nothing else.