But here they are, on this balmy day of 12 F... Big sigh of relief...
They're always taking turns. He eats, she watches. She eats, he watches. Could be also because there's not enough space for them to eat at the same time... Welcome back!
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He eats... |
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She watches... |
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He watches... |
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She eats... |
let's think it is chivalry and compassion...
i like that thought better...smiles.
happy new year.
I think it's odd that Cardinals are that far north this time of year. They must have one well insulated nest.
Glad they made it. We've got quite a few cardinals at our backyard feeders, too many to recognize commonly.
It was 30 degrees F today and it feels like Summer!
Cute Cardinals. I don't see them at my new house as much as I did at out old one.
They must be built for the cold in your area. :) Neat pictures.
The cardinal is our state bird here in KY. Great shots! :)
Ah, another bird watcher:~)
I appreciated your visit to my site -- The Talking Shoes. I apologize for being so late in returning the visit. It was a hectic holiday and I'm just back to normal.
I loved the pictures of the cardinals. Where I live the weather is warmer, but birds are very hardy, especially cardinals. I like the snow sitting on top of feeder, like a hat. That's cute:~)
Also, congratulations on your book. That's got to feel good:~)
I hope your 2015 brings is a better year with joy, laughter and love in abundance.
Me too, Brian... I'm always a romantic... :-) :-) :-)
I keep wondering about that, Mark. And the finches, and the sparrows... There's a tiny, tiny bit of forest very close so I suppose that's where they find shelter.
Thanks, Charles! Yeah, me too... I would like it if there were more of them though. :-)
Paul, it's been minus 8 today again! But they were feeding this afternoon... :-)
Bernard, thanks! I hope they are... :-)
Keith, thanks! And welcome back. So I guess you see them all the time. I'd like that... :-)
Sara, thank you for your visit. Very much appreciated and there's no need to apologize! :-) I enjoyed visiting your blog and reading your excellent story so I will certainly be back for more...
Yes, my battered little feeder... squirrels have had their way with it... :-) But, I love birds and squirrels too...
Thank you for your good words and for your good wishes. All the best to you and your loved ones in 2015!
Those birds must be super tough! I can't imagine surviving Montreal's winter!
Read your previous post too and I hope 2015, even though it doesn't feel like a new year, will bring your hopes and dreams to fruition. Getting published is quite a hard road, but we writers just have to keep on...
I'm sure your hard work will pay off.
Denise :-)
Oh, I love cardinals!
Don't see many here in Denver.
Such nice shots!
Oh, I have a sister that lives in Montreal, such a great city!
Nice to find you out there in Blogland .
Denise, yes, it's hard to believe how anyone can live here... :-) let alone such small creatures...
Thank you for your good wishes! Yes, we just have to keep going... Hopefully 2015 will bring good things for everybody.
Margie, thank you for stopping by and for following me! A pleasure to meet you. :-) Thank you for your kind words. I've never been to Denver but it must be gorgeous there with the backdrop of those mountains...
Hi Vesper
I want to thank you for your visit last night, the kind words and following me back (on both blogs,)
I appreciate your taking the time to get back to me so quickly!
That is very nice!
Have a wonderful day!
I look forward to your next post.
Sweet. Love cardinals, or as some in these parts call them, redbirds.
Hummingbirds, on the other hand, seem to enjoy "dive-bombing" each other, but even "down" here they are around only from about April to October.
How cute! :-)
Blogger's been playing up lately. My latest post should have gone out when it popped up on your stream but it wasn't there. :-) Weird!
Greetings from London.
Margie, my pleasure! :-)
Erik, they sell hummingbird feeders here, so I assume they live in Montreal too, but I've never seen one here. I'd like too, though... I've only seen some in much, much warmer places... :-)
Redbirds - I like that name!
Cuban, thanks! Yes, blogger does weird things sometimes... :-)
That support of survival, so well seen. _m
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