Sunday, January 01, 2017

Happy New Year, Everybody!

I wish everybody, big and small, a blessed, healthy 2017. Be kind to you and to those around you. Dream. Hope. Laugh. Dance.

(And if nothing else works, we could always follow the advice of my favorite angel, Castiel.)

On a more serious note, if you have a good thought to spare, please send it to this little fellow.

This is Blues, the child of a cat and a child of mine. He is four years old. He is the sweetest, gentlest, cutest, cuddliest cat I've ever met. In November, we have discovered that his kidneys are not well. Over Christmas, he's been in the hospital, on IVs. Now he's at home and doing much better. Here he is, asleep on my lap after he ate plenty of shrimp to celebrate the New Year.

(You can see where the fur was shaved for the catheter. His skin is grey where his fur is grey and pink where the fur is white...)

This, they say, is not a curable disease. The prognosis, they say, is guarded. Well, I intend to prove them wrong. Other people have done it. I do believe that there is more to all life on this Earth than we are generally taught there is. I do believe that we are all linked in ways much deeper than we could probably imagine. And if we do touch that deeper level then amazing, wonderful "miracles" could happen.

Blues seriously needs all the positive energy and all the good vibes he can get. So, please, do send some his way from the kindness of your heart.

Happy New Year!


the walking man said...

Same wish and care back at ya for the new year Cora.

Blues i suggest plenty of Tom Waites and cranberry juice.

Charles Gramlich said...

Sorry to hear about the kitty. I hope he will be well.

Magyar said...

__ Good to see you Cora, we all know "Blues" will prove that 2017 is a boon to his fifth, and to his many future years_!
__ Best New Year wishes... to all_!

his meows
as purrs bring tomorrow
claws knead


Sarah Hina said...

Hi again, Cora.

It's been too long--just wanted to stop in and say I wish the best for Blues. And the best for you and yours in 2017. I've still been reading--just getting around less these days. :)

strugglingwriter said...

Happy New Year to you and good luck to your kitty!


Vesper said...

Thanks, Mark! Hmmm... You made me google this... Found a book of cocktail recipes and a quote by Tom Waits "The piano has been drinking, Not me, not me."

Charles, thank you! Actually, touch wood, he's feeling much better.

Doug, thank you for good wishes and for the boost in confidence. Also for the sweet, sweet verse. Entirely true! A wonderful New year to you too!

Hi, Sarah! So incredibly nice to see you here! Thank you for the good wishes. All the best to you and your loved ones!

Paul, thank you kindly. Happy New Year and all the best. It's really great to see you here!

Erik Donald France said...

Hey Cora,

all positive energies & vibes for Blues, good health!

here, clouds on rain. Happy Friday the 13th!