Wednesday, October 03, 2007


candles in the sky's window,
homage to Madam Autumn,
maple on sweet fire.


Ello - Ellen Oh said...

Ah, we must both have autumn leaves on our minds! I also posted a picture of some beautiful maple trees. I love this poem. So sweetly lovely.

Anonymous said...

The photo is just gorgeous, so vibrant! Thanks for posting a bright autumn scene on this dreary, foggy day.

Bernita said...


Taffiny said...

maple on sweet fire

inspires and warms-

Hoodie said...

Hey, a lurker coming out of hiding here.

This is gorgeous in so many ways.

Anonymous said...

Hoodie beat me to my word of choice.

Gorgeous! Both the picture and the words.

Vesper said...

Ello, how couldn't we have them on our mind? I'm in awe everytime I see a tree like this. Thank you for your kind words.

Miranda, thank you and welcome. I'm glad this photo brightened your day.

Yes, they truly are, Bernita. Thank you!

Taff, thank you! It really does.

Hoodie, welcome and I'm glad you're out of hiding! :-)Thank you for your very nice words.

Thank you, Jason! You're so very kind. They're luminous and inspiring... I'm happy you liked both picture and words.

Unknown said...

Words and picture are both completely gorgeous. Those colours are dazzling - we don't get autumn colours like that here - spring makes up for it though ;-)

John Eaton said...

C'est magnifique, V.



Anonymous said...

bright flags in sunlight
ride October’s
fast parade!

Anonymous said...

I wait winter. It is my favourite season. I hope you will write a little poem about it.

Vesper said...

Vanilla, thank you! You're right. It's been a very nice autumn this year. Spring though, unfortunately, is almost inexistent.

Merci beaucoup, John!

Yes, Colleen, oh, yes!

Ropinator, you must see the Canadian winter! I might write about it - if I'm not too frozen!... :-)