Another great contest has ended at
The Clarity of Night. It was again a wonderful opportunity to sharpen our writing skills (ah! nothing like the 250-word limit!) , to delight into the work of old blogging friends and acquaintances, and in the discovery of the talent of new ones, to feel the huge power of this ever-growing community of writers. Thank you, Jason! Looking forward to the next…
Maximum congratulations to all the winners!!!
Last but far from least, many thanks to all those who were very kind to read my
story and comment on it. This is what Jason’s photograph has spoken to me:

A ride from TIMEAGAIN Inc. was the perfect gift for a boy who lived for his hologame motorbikes; a boy who has never been …
outside in his eighteen years. Mickey.
Adam had been a child when they sealed the Cities forever but he remembered playing among the last tufts of grass, under the dismal clouds of pollution. Now he could offer his son something infinitely superior.
In the bare launch room, the fastest bikes awaited them, three Suzukis Hayabusa, splendid antiques from the late 20th century.
He noticed Mickey looking for the neural net as he straddled his Suzuki. “No, boy, this is the real thing...” How he loved his son’s puzzled look…
He’d planned everything meticulously. Three rides to gain Guide Harlan’s loyalty and arrange the security details. His remaining fortune for the fourth.
The engines roared. The wall swirled in a psychedelic curtain and, as they charged through it blindly, air hit their eyes through the open visors. Sweet
real air.
The sky held hues of bright pink, telltale of the impending sunset, stars already lit above the snowed peaks of Sierra Nevada.
Mickey’s braking reflex burned a black snake on the white concrete. He climbed down, staggering like a perpetual mariner cast to shore, and knelt, hugging the bike, sparkling tears in his eyes.
“California,” Harlan smiled. “Welcome to 1999…”
They tied Harlan well, to exonerate him of their escape.
“Happy birthday, son. Come on!”
They raced to the track’s fence, then onto the winding road beyond.