Monday, February 11, 2013

Bunny Blue

blue bunny blue
in the blue grass
with your little blue soul
with your wonders, your shivers
what hides in the thick
in the thick blue thicket
what crackles, what breaks
is it the moon
the cold blue moon
reaching for you
with fingers of twigs
with whispers of leaves
is it the fox, the swift red fox
the fiery fox
or a big blue owl with eyes of moon
blue eyes of moon
what is after you
blue bunny blue

only a shadow blue
this time only the moon
blue bunny blue

 The beautiful artwork in this post belongs to Amanda Clark from Earth Angels Art.

At Woven Dreams Geraldine invites us to think about Blue...


strugglingwriter said...

I love the artwork and I love your colorful words.


BernardL said...

A wonderful blue vision, V.

Anonymous said...

My first post to read today, what a beauty. This is breathtaking Vesper, the words and images...

thanks so much for participating for the first week at Woven Dreams, I hope you'll be a regular. :<)

Happy Week, G

Sarah Hina said...

Vesper, I would absolutely love to see this poem as a children's book. With the repetition and echoes, and that delightful sense of building, I think it'd be perfectly suited.

This was pure pleasure to read. Thank you for sharing it with us.

Teri said...

Beautiful post. Sarah is right, it needs to be in a book.

the walking man said...

You know I don't say this often--but what a lovely poem--I can see it metaphorically but I am choosing not to. Mind if I snag this for my kindergarten and first graders to work on their reading?

Optimistic Existentialist said...

Vesper this poem is absolutely amazing :)

Vesper said...

Paul, thank you. Glad you like. :-)

Thank you, Bernard, I really appreciate it. :-)

Geraldine, thank you so much. You had a great idea to start these Woven Dreams... :-)

Sarah, how can I say how happy your praise makes me? I'm beaming! Thank you for having such nice thoughts on my little poem.

Teri, thank you so much, and thank you for visiting. I know that "blue" was your idea - excellent!

Mark, is that you? Is that really you? :-D
Thank you, my friend. Of course, you can read it with the children, I would be honored.

Optimistic Existentialist, thank you so much! Much appreciated! :-)

Tumblewords: said...

Stellar piece and artwork!

Vesper said...

Tumblewords, thank you so much! And thank you for visiting my blog. :-)

the walking man said...

Thank you Kiddo...the kids should be able to read this one without much help (I hope)

laughingwolf said...

very nicely done, v...

mark's right, would be a delight in any children's book :)

Brian Miller said...

nice...i makes me think of a childrens book you know...rhyming and fanciful...enjoyed it much....

Brian Miller said...

nice...i makes me think of a childrens book you know...rhyming and fanciful...enjoyed it much....

Vesper said...

Mark, my pleasure...

LW, thank you kindly. :-)

Brian, thank you so much. I appreciate it! :-)

earthangelsarts said...

Thank you for sharing my artwork with your beautiful poem. They do go well together.

Vesper said...

Earthangelsarts, thank you!

Anonymous said...

Thank you Vesper for reading and following my story, When Dark Closes In, and for the comments. I'm working on the editing for the next chapter, and installment. I like your poems, Bunny Blue and Dance of Love. Very nice.