Somewhere on this road of life,
somewhere on this paved, clean, bright street,
on this harsh Matterhorn,
on this forest path, all tangled, all wild,
I stumbled over a stone, or a root, or a step.
I fell hard, from these stilts of illusions.
I lost my smile among dying leaves.
Down on my knees, I am delving for it.
I can’t tell them apart, my red smile, these red leaves.
I find only ants, and earth worms, and slugs.
How fine they look, even in my misery.
I am a hedgehog now, beware, I prickle, I hide.
Not for long,
not for long.
Copyright © Vesper L. All rights reserved.

Love the poem! I love hedgehogs, we used to have two that came to our back door every night for a fight, it was ace!
I thought I better clarify that...they didn't come to my back door for a fight with me, they used to threaten each other as only hedgehogs can...
Excellent image!!! Ha! Ha! Ha!
I just have to imagine the two hedgehogs coming every night at your back door for a fight with you!
Thank you!
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