It's been a beautiful day (partly cloudly!) - summer's still here but there is a crispness in the air and in the colours that sings of the autumn that's almost upon us. This is downtown Montreal, and the St. Lawrence river, as seen from the belvedere on Mount Royal.

We had a lot of fun feeding peanuts to the very friendly chipmunks and squirrels.

Cities have their own kind of beauty don't they? I love citiscapes. I like the chipmunk thing, grey squirrels are a bit of menace in the UK, killing of our native reds.
I like the chipmunk's full pouches! We have one near our cabin that's partial to cherries.
Squirrels are a pest in my garden. Every evening I put back the flowers and the earth in the pots, every morning they're out again, all over the deck. Still, I can't get really mad at them. I'm sorry though to hear about the red ones.
They're so cute. They always make me think of Chip'n'Dale. This one got a whole pod inside its pouch!
I should comment on the lovely view, but all I keep thinking, is my goodness I am getting chunkier than that squirrel. (with no fluffy fur, hibernation excuse)
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