When your spirits are down (or even up) there’s nothing like receiving a sign of appreciation from somebody. Canterbury Soul brought sunshine into my cloudy day, and so did Absolute Vanilla, by mentioning my name in conjunction with the adjective “nice.” I thank you both from my heart! No matter that one thinks of himself as not being such a nice guy, and the other admits she doesn’t like the word “nice” – they are both incredibly nice people and I feel fortunate to have made their acquaintance.
Most of us don’t know of each other much more than what comes out in these words that we send into the blogosphere. But I can say – and I don’t think I’m too naïve by doing it – that it is possible to know someone quite well from these minute and discreet discoveries. That over the time, you can build closeness and ties that come from the encounter of kindred spirits.
I find it interesting that “nice” meant “foolish, silly, simple” originally and has its roots in the Latin “nescire” – to be ignorant. Does this mean that to be pleasant, kind, friendly also means to be foolish? Maybe. Foolish enough to expose your soul to people who might not be as nice as they seemed after all. However, I prefer to trust people and be as pleasant, kind, and friendly to them as possible – it is in my nature and even temporary disillusions will not change this (at least not for long).
I know I’m supposed to bestow this award upon five others but it seems an impossible task, considering that I think of all my blog-friends as being incredibly nice. Also, most of them have already received it from other very nice people. Anyway, please, if you are one of them, pick up this award, it’s for YOU!
Well deserved, Vesper. Yes, nice is a funny word, which many people hate being called. But I like it. No one has given me one of those though, so I mustn't be nice. Boohoo. I'll go back to my box!
Well, you are "nice" and I don't think "foolish". And I am delighted to have "met" you - you definitely feel like a kindred spirit! Big hug and much love coming over the ether to you.
Nice I had no idea it used to mean foolish.
I always think of it, as pleasant and kind, which you have always been to me. Congratulations!
The word nice, makes me think of the song-
So Nice, by Sergio Mendes Trio. I really like the song, it's so nice, so nice is nice. So I have no problem with the word at all.
"Nice" to me always meant kind, considerate and discriminating.
And you are very nice.
Seamus, no, please don't cry! :-) This is for you too! You were so very nice to me when you gave me my lion! This lion has really done incredible things for me, things I wouldn't have thought would happen before I adopted him.
Vanilla, many many many hugs and kisses for you from this side of the Atlantic!
Taff, thank you! I had no idea either till I looked in the dictionary. Interesting this etymology, isn't it?
Obviously, I consider you one of these very nice blogging-friends that I have.
Thank you, Bernita. You're right, for me "nice" means the same things. You too are very nice!
Well, it is strange that a word's meaning has changed a lot with time.
Hey, that's nice, I won't cry now. I won't take the award though ... otherwise it may go to my head. I'm pleased you said I could have it though. And I'm glad you're beautiful lion has done good things for you ... and just think what lies ahead. :-)
Aw thank you! And because you're so special I've awarded you something else - a big smile - over at my place :-)
I like Nice, it's good. You're right about the courtesy and pleasantness of fellow bloggers too!
you are so right. there are so many nice people in the blogosphere.
and Vesper, you are so welcome! :)
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