Tuesday, September 22, 2009


sweet thoughts of summer
asleep on the silent pond -
welcome autumn


poefusion said...

Hello Vesper~ what a nice way to end summer and bring in autumn. these photos are great. i'm especially drawn to that duck. have a great day.

Karen said...

Beautiful pictures and verse! You always manage to capture the essence of the thing, Vesper.

Charles Gramlich said...

I'm looking for Autumn coolness.

Marilyn Brant said...

The word that sprang to mind was "reflection"--both in the sense of glassy mirroring and also in deep thought. (Love the duck!) Thanks for sharing both your words and pictures, Vesper. Happy Autumn!

Vesper said...

Hello Michelle, and thank you! I could hug that duck! :-) You too have a great day.

Karen, thank you! :-) This is the park with the tiny troll bridge. It's a place that "speaks" to me in many ways when I quiet down my mind...

Charles, once I get past a certain sense of loss, I find autumn very cool, not just weatherwise... :-)

Thank you, Marilyn! In fact, I thought that the duck could have these lazy thoughts... a last respite before cold settles in... Doesn't she look a bit smug even? :-) Happy Autumn to you too!

Anonymous said...


Beautiful. And a tinge of sad.

Catherine Vibert said...

Your picture reminded me that I dreamed about a duck last night. I believe I kissed him. :-) Lovely images and words dear Vesper.

laughingwolf said...

perfect v... love the mallard hen, pond's pretty neat, too :)

Miladysa said...


Lovely :)

the walking man said...

Hell with the duck...Hug me 'til winter is done.

Vesper said...

Thank you, Jason. The sadness comes from the presentiment of the end… of any end…

What a lovely dream, Cat! Thank you! :-)

Thank you, LW. Yeah, she’s beautiful. :-)

Miladysa, thank you. :-)

Catvibe and I should be able to keep you warm this winter, Walking Man… :-) :-) :-)

Unknown said...

And here we are surging into spring, - well sort of, the weather notwithstanding! xxx

BernardL said...

Very soothing pictures, Vesper. :)

Rick said...

Michelle is right- that is one cute duck. If I met it in person, I believe I'd have to take it home! As for the poem, melancholoy and regretful acceptance flow through you beautifully. You are a wonderful voice for beauty's many transitions and for aching hope.

Vesper said...

I know, Vanilla! Don't rub it in! :-) :-) :-)

The light of these days of autumn is very soothing, the sun having lost its summer sharpness... Thank you, Bernard.

Rick, I hope you'd take it home to care for it not for any other purpose... :-) Thank you for your very kind words, my friend. :-)